Sunday, October 25, 2015

A day at the Beach

The mission is amazing and this week I have been blessed to be working with a family. We are teaching the other half of a part member family where the other half was Less active. It has been amazing to see the whole family coming to church, supporting each other and becoming converted. They are aiming for the temple and the effects of the gospel in bringing them happiness has been immediate. They are united and know how to work together. It is amazing to watch. 

The pictures are from P-day. We went to the beach and managed to not get into the water. haha it was heaps hard but I got lots of great pictures! Transfers are coming next week and I am pretty sure I will be leaving Wailoku which is sad but good. It is going to kill me to say good bye. We spoke in Sacrament meeting yesterday and  it was already hard knowing it would be my last talk there.

WIth my companion Sister Fiu

 Means "Eternity"

 The Salt Lake Temple :-) 

Can you believe it? I am in FIJI! :-)

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Exchanges and the Big City

Oct 19 2015
This week was quite the adventure. We had exchanges with the Suva 3rd sisters for 3 days which was quite the surprise! They are outside our Zone and we aren't even the STLs! We didn't know until that morning but we were up for the adventure. My time in Suva 3rd (the city) was wonderful. Coming from the Wailoku to the City was a big adjustment and kinda scary but I enjoyed the interaction with the people and getting to know sister Baki. Sister Baki is from Papua New Guinea. She was converted beginning of last year and was soon followed by her criminal father, mother, and brother who was baptized while she was in the MTC. She is super great.
The Elders in that ward put on a talent show activity friday night and reminded us 1 minute before of our Spiritual thought which turned out that Sister Parata (the other companion that left for the exchange) was the only one who knew. So Sister Baki and I said a prayer, I put together an idea, told sister Baki and we went in right as they were calling our names to give the thought. I spoke of the Parable of the Talents and how we all have talents but often we bury them. I used Sister Baki as an example and told them how she was good at talking to people and being a leader and then I stuck her in the corner because I wanted to protect her and keep her to myself. Everyone laughed and spoke out rejections and agreements. We then bore testimony of how we need to come out from the corner and share our talents in order to develop them. It turned out really well.
TWo big things I learned from the exchange:
1. Always be prepared for random insights and to give your all in the smallest of moments.(Came from the above experience.)
2. It is not about me. It is about the work.
I learned this when I was going around with Sister Baki and everyone was asking about Sister Parata. I was good about it as I realized everyone in Wailoku was probably doing the same thing. To which, I realized that I don't want that. I don't want people to miss me when I leave because it is not about me. It is about the work continuing and making the transition from me to Sister Fiu's next companion easy so that they can continue the work smoothly.
Over all, this week and intensity of the crazy exchange put me in my lime light. I had So much fun and worked super hard. The only down fall was the bed bug bites from the exchange and who knows how long they'll stay. They are like mosquito bites times 10. :P haha This week was a great blessing. 
Also, big blessing, Our Golden Investigator has made us cry three times this week as he taught US the lessons and then practically begged to be baptized. His name is Jone and he has changed my life simply by letting me what him change his own. Words cannot express the JOY. He will be baptized October 31.

-The picture is of me and Sister Baki!

McDonalds is only in the City and it is the only American fast food place. It is a special treat to go while on the mission and so everyone craves it. I was able to go while on the exchange and was amazed at how much I enjoyed it. haha maybe it is because I haven't eaten anything that American since I got here. hahaha 
- Also, at the talent show I learned the hula dance to the song from Lilo and Stitch!!! I am going to keep practicing it and do it at my home coming!! hahaha